Bid fair

free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice:
a fair decision; a fair judge.
legitimately sought, pursued, done, given, etc.; proper under the rules:
a fair fight.
moderately large; ample:
a fair income.
neither excellent nor poor; moderately or tolerably good:
fair health.
marked by favoring conditions; likely; promising:
in a fair way to succeed.

(of the sky) bright; sunny; cloudless to half-cloudy.
(of the weather) fine; with no prospect of rain, snow, or hail; not stormy.

nautical. (of a wind or tide) tending to aid the progress of a vessel.
un-bstructed; not blocked up:
the way was fair for our advance.
without irregularity or unevenness:
a fair surface.
free from blemish, imperfection, or anything that impairs the appearance, quality, or character:
her fair reputation was ruined by gossip.
easy to read; clear:
fair handwriting.
of a light hue; not dark:
fair skin.
pleasing in appearance; attractive:
a fair young maiden.
seemingly good or sincere but not really so:
the suitor beguiled his mistress with fair speeches.
courteous; civil:
fair words.
medicine/medical. (of a patient’s condition) having stable and normal vital signs and other favorable indicators, as appet-te and mobility, but being in some discomfort and having the possibility of a worsening state.
dialect. scarcely; barely:
it was just fair daylight when we started working.
in a fair manner:
he doesn’t play fair.
straight; directly, as in aiming or hitting:
he threw the ball fair to the goal.
favorably; auspiciously.
british, australian. entirely; completely; quite:
it happened so quickly that it fair took my breath away.
archaic. something that is fair.

a woman.
a beloved woman.

to make the connection or junction of (surfaces) smooth and even.

to draw and adjust (the lines of a hull being designed) to produce regular surfaces of the correct form.
to adjust the form of (a frame or templet) in accordance with a design, or cause it to conform to the general form of a hull.
to restore (a bent plate or structural member) to its original form.
to align (the frames of a vessel under construction) in proper position.

to bring (rivet holes in connecting structural members) into perfect alignment.
obsolete. to make fair.
fair off/up, south midland and southern u.s. (of the weather) to clear:
it’s supposed to fair off toward evening.
bid fair, to seem likely:
this entry bids fair to win first prize.
fair and square,

honestly; justly; straightforwardly:
he won the race fair and square.
honest; just; straightforward:
he was admired for being fair and square in all his dealings.

fair to middling, informal. only tolerably good; so-so.
historical examples

mildred arkell, (vol 1 of 3) ellen wood
old mackinaw w. p. strickland.
on guard upton sinclair
a little girl in old salem amanda minnie douglas
the witch of salem john r. musick
rowlandson’s oxford a. hamilton gibbs
great facts frederick c. bakewell
history of the kentucky derby, 1875-1921 john lawrence o’connor
the pioneers james fenimore cooper
the parent’s -ssistant maria edgeworth

free from discrimination, dishonesty, etc; just; impartial
in conformity with rules or standards; legitimate: a fair fight
(of the hair or complexion) light in colour
beautiful or lovely to look at
moderately or quite good: a fair piece of work
unblemished; untainted
(of the tide or wind) favourable to the p-ssage of a vessel
sunny, fine, or cloudless
(prenominal) (informal) thorough; real: a fair battle to get to the counter
pleasant or courteous
apparently good or valuable, but really false: fair words
open or un-bstructed: a fair p-ssage
(austral) (of handwriting) clear and legible
(informal) a fair crack of the whip, (austral) a fair shake of the dice, a fair go, a fair opportunity; fair chance
fair and square, in a correct or just way
fair do’s

equal shares or treatment
an expression of appeal for equal shares or treatment

fair enough!, an expression of agreement
(austral & nz, informal) fair go!, come off it!; i don’t believe it!
fair to middling, about average
in a fair way; correctly: act fair, now!
absolutely or squarely; quite: the question caught him fair off his guard
(dialect) really or very: fair tired
(intransitive) (dialect) (of the weather) to become fine and mild
(archaic) a person or thing that is beautiful or valuable, esp a woman
a travelling entertainment with sideshows, rides, etc, esp one that visits places at the same time each year
a gathering of producers of and dealers in a given cl-ss of products to facilitate business: a book fair
an event including amus-m-nts and the sale of goods, esp for a charity; bazaar
a regular -ssembly at a specific place for the sale of goods, esp livestock

fair and square
fair enough
fair game
fair play
fair s-x
fair shake, a
fair to middling

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