
the branch of biology that applies the methods of physics to the study of biological structures and processes.
historical examples

lrl accelerators lawrence radiation laboratory
warren commission (5 of 26): hearings vol. v (of 15) the president’s commission on the -ss-ssination of president kennedy
warren commission (5 of 26): hearings vol. v (of 15) the president’s commission on the -ss-ssination of president kennedy

(functioning as sing) the physics of biological processes and the application of methods used in physics to biology

bi’o·phys’i·cal adj.
bi’o·phys’i·cal·ly adv.
bi’o·phys’i·cist n.
the scientific study of biological processes in terms of the laws of physics. phenomena such as echolocation in bats and the stresses and strains in skeletal and muscular structures are -n-lyzed and explained in biophysics.

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