
a mild word often used as an adjective to emphasise dislike or negativity in relation to something else, comparable to bl–dy
“we’re having a terrible time with them bleeding rats” – monty python’s flying circus, episode 21
when something happens that is seriously f-cked up sh-t
or – wen something happens that is not right in a very weird way.
seamus: did yu see dat boi wid da firework? bruv, the way he dropped it and ran was funny, alie?

keema: yeh bruv dat was bleeding.
in the act of the verb bleed.
i was sliced in half and now i am bleeding.
when a girl is on her period
my girl let me get her donut last night because she was bleeding.
mad hot
yo son, it’s bleeding outside
to look and be extremely tired, as if your body was bleeding and your about to faint or die.
tom: you look horrible.
jim: man i’m bleeding.
tom: why?
jim: i got two and half hours of sleep last night.

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