blooming onion shit

the process of taking a sh-t in which multiple pieces of sh-t are produced and land in the form of a blooming onion.
i just took a blooming onion sh-t! it really looks like a blooming onion!

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  • rmf

    r-t-rded mongoloid f-ck. a name to someone who has done something completely stupid and should be slandered by this particular phrase. this is only used in extreme cases! omg kenneth! don’t do that to jack you rmf!!! rmf is an abreviation to a spanish phrase that says “riéndome muy fuerte” it was invented because lol […]

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  • walter white space

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  • slothage

    one whose p-n-s head looks like a sloths head. ian’s sausage is short so we call it a slothage

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