australian slang word used to describe a dero (derro) or a tramp. someone who is a b-m from the dregs of society and is generally an unpleasant person.
“that guy down the pub is an absolute boggo!!”
derived from boggo road gaol, a now-defunct maximum security prison in brisbane, australia. a queensland government inquiry into the living conditions of state prisons found boggo road to be outdated and inadequate for prisoners’ needs. no.2 division was closed in 1989, and the no.1 division was closed in 1992 and demolished in 1996.
for a prison to be closed down under such circ-mstances would indicate it must have been well and truly sh-thouse. hence, ‘boggo’ is used to describe any person or thing that is extreme in some way.
“that grind band is boggo!”
“can you believe that c-nt who murdered all those people? he’s totally boggo”
“the surf is huge.” “yeah mate, it’s f-cken boggo”
tough, but not f-cking p-ssy tough like van damme.
rad, sometimes boggo is rad (see examples)
“man that guy is a boggo” means he will kick your -ss.
“f-ck that band was boggo last night” a brutally heavy band.
“i cant beleive how boggo that test was” it was a very hard test. “that chick was a f-cking boggo she sucked the sh-t out of my c-ck!” she was a very talented l-ss.
“i stabbed your girlfriends face off with my d-ck and f-cked her with a rake” clearly a boggo.
“gee that guy isn’t very boggo much” this refers to an overly boggo person.
extended from the word bog. making the word boggo.
awww i got to go for a bog
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