an abbreviation of the french “bourgeois.” a critical term used to describe people, things, and places that are definitively high-cl-ss. something that is affected, inauthentic, gentrified, exclusive, and/or otherwise sheltered from the dirt and grime of the real world.
example 1:
d-ck: wanna go into the city?
jane: yeah, i’ve gotta get out of this boujee town. it’s become so gentrified ever since the new homeowner’s -ssociation plowed on in. let’s get some tacos from that dude at the corner of market and 6th.
example 2:
kate spade: let us go in my dad’s ford explorer to the whole foods/andronico’s/trader joe’s/(place your pretentious grocer here) on the way home from the symphony.
jordan catalano: yeah right, kate spade. i’d rather ride my bike to corner store/farmer’s market/etc instead of supporting the overhead of that boujee place.
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