Brock’s Disease
the act of coming on strong after meeting someone..and then disappearing off the face of the planet through ignoring or some unknown disease that stops you from talking to the individual you were once hot for.
“i thought he really liked me…and then he came down with brock’s disease..”
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- brofeshional
a skateboarder who always has brand new gear (shoes, clothes, board, etc) and looks as though they are a sponcored pro. however, they are just close friends with a sponcored skater and obtain product by b-mming it off said friend. a brofeshional is easily identifiable by their fresh new gear contrasted by their clear lack […]
- bro diddly
the ultimate bro. commonly used to refer to a close friend or pet. “bro diddly, did you seriously just merc on my eggroll?”
- Brolated
to describe the relationship between very close friends. alfred:hey are you guys related you act like brothers. jt:no we are brolated.
- broomhead
a dumb person. insult found only on the tv show degr-ssi junior high. shut up wheels, you broomhead! someone with extremely dry, nappy hair, that looks like a broom from behind. dude, that chick totally has a broom head! a “wizard swear” found in the “wizard swears” episode of potter puppet pals, a harry potter […]
- brotiquette
any action between two male friends that is not good bro etiquette. these actions can include, but are not limited to, c-ck blocking, flirting with another’s ex girlfriend, and being a poor wing man. travis: did you see what happened to me at the bar last night when i was flirting with ashley? andy: yeah, […]