a form of entertainment similar to cow tipping. it involves walking along a small creek with an unwitting companion, who is then shoved headlong into the drink. there seems to be an entire think tank devoted to the subtle art named the brookings inst-tution. visitors from urban neighborhoods are often subjected to this chilling dip.
janice could not wait to make out with james, but before they could get to the boathouse, he had brooked her. it was her first brooking. they say you never forget your first one.
a nothing town on the southern oregon coast. a place where the retired rule, the young are bored and you either move away when you are 18, or you live there forever in lameness.
man, you’re still in brookings? well, was nice knowin’ ya.
self stimulation of the gent-tals.
brooking is self stimulation.
h-ll. a small coastal town full of old people, conservatives, rich -ssholes, bored teens, and meth. they all converge at the one and only fred meyer’s.
“brookings is h-ll.”
a modern day adaptation of a primitive social ritual in which a female will become intoxicated and adorn herself provocatively with clay beads, facepaint and animal furs and proceed to mate with myriad males, dwarf males and in some cultures cercopithecidae in an attempt to gain the attention and approval of the rest of the tribe or “frat” as it is sometimes called in modern day practice. a female who is brooking is also pr-ne to engaging in other attention seeking behaviors and is likely to suffer from “irritating stuck-up b-tch syndrome” as defined by karl von c-ntenheimer in his 1864 volume “thou reeky rampallian harpy!: an -n-lysis of the common soror.”
shall we go brooking tonight?
a south dakotan town in which there are more cows than people, and more pickup trucks than modern haircuts. shortened as, “bkx”
“i can’t git those steel toe cowboy boots anywhere but in brookings!”
a town full of old people, drug abusing teens and non drug abusing teens that are total -ssholes.
teen1: i smoke pot and then act like a -sshole!
teen2: i don’t smoke pot but am still an -sshole!
(teens like this are not only in brookings. watch yourself)
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