Brunswick School
a boys prep school located in greenwich, ct. brunswick has grades pre-k – 12th and is an all boys school. in high school (grades 9-12) brunswick combines with greenwich academy (an all girls school) resulting in coed cl-sses. students at brunswick often come from wealthy families in greenwich, rye, stamford, and other surrounding towns. although it is only a day school, brunswick is considered one of new england’s best prep schools. graduates often attend universities including stanford, middlebury, dartmouth, uva, and yale. although famous for its incredible lacrosse, squash, and hockey teams, brunswick also hosts excellent varsity teams including football, baseball, soccer, crew, tennis, water polo, cross country, wrestling, and basketball. students at brunswick are often much more cultured and educated than greenwich’s public schools, especially central middle school where all of the kids are complete idiots with no athletic or academic ability. brunswick has a long history of academic and athletic excellence which they continue to this day.
jim: “are you applying to brunswick school next year?”
matt: “ya, i really want to get in, brunswick is such a good school.”
jim: “i agree. brunswick is much better than central.”
a school in greenwich where all the guys are douche bags and think that they’re amazing because they go to a private school.
that guys a douche. he must go to brunswick school.
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