(n.) a sh-tty bullpen in baseball that has a tendency to undo in one inning the greatness that was achieved in the previous eight innings. see: 2011 chicago white sox
ozzie guillen didn’t feel like winning the game monday, so he pulled mark buehrle in favor of a member of the bullsh-tpen, who proceeded to blow the lead.
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a starcraft map -ums-. the game consists of 8 players/colors. first 5 for heaven and the 3 for h-ll. all the main unit are heros from the starcraft 1 and expasion pack heros. the colors are: –heaven– white – player 1.,.controls 75 percent of heaven and its units. heros : jesus (hero battlecruiser), rafael (hero […]
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- dillonpalooza
1. a renowned and memorable saturnalia of fairfield, ct 2. a m-ssive gathering of frat party proportions (normally marked by beirut, debauchery, swimming while heavily intoxicated, small streets flooded with cars, a visit by the police) 3. a sister party to balloufest, dillonpalooza is far more rare but always remembered with great nostalgia (most likely […]