butt kisser
some one who does anything to get their boss/co-worker/-sshole friends to like them. also someone who should be punched in the jaw.
ken stays late to work everyday, so he can lick his bosses boots. he is a real -ss/b-tt kisser
someone who is always sucking up to some other person in a sickening manner.
soccer moms are some of the world’s best b-tt-kissers.
john; the employee; person who steps in and backdoors other employees, by pampering the president while the -ssistant to the president is out of town
john the employee, steps in while the -ssistant is out of town, makes coffee and tea for the president and also supplies her with doughnuts, and in the process, makes other employees, who are also b-ttkisser, but not “b-tt kissers” of equal proportion, feel guilty and look bad by not living up to the same b-ttkissing standards. 🙂
a person who smokes a lot of cigarettes in a short time.
tom: wanna go smoke?
mark: we just smoked like 5 min ago. you are such a b-tt kisser tom.
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