
1) an insult used when no other can be thought of or when all others have been used up.

2) one who is extremely clueless or unskilled, especially in the fields of mathematics and computers; the opposite of a geek or nerd
joe is a b-ttch-nk for defining my word before i did.

“i got a t-shirt with pi on the front from thinkgeek!”
“wat is pi”
“what!? you stupid b-ttch-nk!!!”
a word subst-tuted for any other word, generally an insult.
you stupid… b-ttch-nk!

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    a term used to describe someone with a highly perverted nature that is usually misbehaving. “that f-cking mofflet is taking pictures of my wife again” “i hope my daughters new boyfriend isn’t a f–king mofflet”

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    a c-ck with numerous moles on it. girls don’t like it because the moles are disgusting. sylvia told me she didn’t like ryan’s moley c-ck because the moles had hairs.

  • NCFM

    nice catch f-cking moron. poker related sentence, used where the opponent gets a miracle card that grants him the victory. a: yay i got a royal flush, i beat your quads! b: ncfm

  • Neanderdoodle.

    when one attempts to achieve a goal, but reaches the polar opposite outcome. all below are prime examples of a neanderdoodle. obama’s first term of presidency. the war on drugs. the 19th ammendment. the failed -ss-ssination attempt of ronald reagan abstinence programs. ryan leaf.

  • poodan

    poodan means that’s great hey fred i like your new computer thats poodan

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