CERES Fraternity
a group of s-xy b-tches who are often seen studying hard but partying harder. these women often have amazing hair, good looks, and great style. they could kick anyones -ss in jeans and cowboy boots while still looking fine as h-ll. any guy in college would want to date a ceres fraternity girl.
dude: the other day i saw this ceres fraternity girl with great hair, man i’d want to date her.
dudes friend: seriously?! i was saw one too, she had perfect hair and a nice -ss!
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“lance coconut” is a term used by us marines to denote a lance corporal (e-3 rank). the term comes from the rank insignia worn by the lance corporal, which is one chevron (peaked line) with two crossed rifles below it. when seen from a distance, the emblem resembles a peak with two b-lls below it, […]
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a portmanteau of my and celebrity. a term used to describe people who are famous relative to the speaker, but who may not be a mainstream popular figure. examples could be football players playing for a lesser team, an actor in an unknown or obscure tv series or film, an alternative or non-mainstream comedian, authors, […]
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