classical libertarian

in short, a cl-ssical libertarian is a left-wing anarchist.
during the 18th century an ideology emerged called liberalism which supported private human rights but a “laissez faire” economic policy. those who supported a more radical critique of the nature of authority found the word liberal lacking, as they thought economics were a tool of domination just as powerful as direct state control. eventually they settled on the names “anarchist” and “libertarian.”

during the 20th century a u.s. president named fdr wanted a name for his essentially social democratic policies that would not evoke connotations of the various far-left movements that existed at the time, so he decided to go with “liberalism.” unfortunately, the word already existed, but as the name began to be crowded out by social democrats, liberals needed a new word for themselves, so they settled on “libertarian.”

unfortunately, that word also already existed, but since there were more liberals than libertarians, they crowded out the original users of the word. hence necessitating that the original libertarians call themselves cl-ssical libertarians, and the original liberals call themselves cl-ssical liberals.

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