when a person gets “clickjacked” it means that they clicked on a suspicious link (usually on facebook). after they click on the link, their account becomes infected with malware. that malware tends to spam the h-ll out of their friends by posting more malware laden links on their friends’ walls.
paula’s wall: like omg, you guys! dell is giving away free computers! click on this link (malware-laden link) to get a free computer! it won’t last long! click on the link right now!! =)
the same message gets posted on all of her friends’ walls.
paula’s wall 2 hours later: wow, somebody totally hacked my account! i did not post all of that cr-p! i’m changing my p-ssword!
paula’s friend: paula, you are such moron! you didn’t get hacked! you got clickjacked! stop clicking on those d-mned links!
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