one of the most famous atheist comedian user on youtube, he is well known within the atheist community, and infamous within the christian community.
his user name is coughlan666, but he usually goes by the his full name richard “the d-ck” coughlan666. he is also british, and is currently ranked 14th most subscribed in united kingdom as comedian.
in addition he is currently also:
#74 – most subscribed (all time) – partners – united kingdom
#18 – most viewed (today) – united kingdom
#14 – most subscribed (all time) – comedians – united kingdom
#74 – most subscribed (all time) – partners – united kingdom
#18 – most viewed (today) – united kingdom
#2 – most viewed (today) – comedians – united kingdom
#7 – most viewed (today) – partners – united kingdom
#11 – most viewed (today) – comedians
#55 – most viewed (today) – partners
#63 – most viewed (this week) – united kingdom
#5 – most viewed (this week) – comedians – united kingdom
#14 – most viewed (this week) – partners – united kingdom
#54 – most viewed (this week) – comedians
#96 – most viewed (this month) – united kingdom
#4 – most viewed (this month) – comedians – united kingdom
#20 – most viewed (this month) – partners – united kingdom
#81 – most viewed (this month) – comedians
#78 – most viewed (all time) – comedians – united kingdom
his videos are often filled with swears, curse, slurs, and crazy eccentric acting that is his trademark. he also satirizes other youtube users, mainly creationists and sometimes other atheists.
bill: hey, did you see coughlan666’s latest video? he totally pwned venomfangx!
sally: yeah, i know! that one was really funny!
a “comic” and a youtuber.
he rants about atheism, religion, politics and etc.
he started to build up a drone-like clan around him, who blindly worshiped him, so that he could take the crown of “atheist king of youtube” that he imagined, away from theamazingatheist. then he was called on it make-a-long-story-short he ended up crying his eyes out and epic pwnage was delivrd in his r-ct-m, causing over 9000 embarr-ssment damage.
ytdramafan: well, coughlan was exposed for the power/famehungry manipulative weak p-ssy that he is, pwnd.
rthed-ckcoughlandr0ne: fu man coughlan is awesome taa is wrong, fakesagan is a fool, ill mark ur comment as spam and down rate it!!
ytdramafan: wow, do you even have your own mind?
rthed-ckcoughlandr0ne: coughlan666! coughlan666! coughlan666!..
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