the s-xiest mama on this earth
i want cristen
a girl who is s-xy,smart,and perfect.
cristen is the girl i`ve always wanted.
better than the best.
you are so cristen! terrifiec awsome bootilicious brilliant
an absolutely beautiful person. she is smart, funny, beautiful and the best daughter anyone could ask for.
please be a cristen
that all around cool dude that your life would be incomplete without
cristen can be a guy’s name too
a attention wh-r- b-tch whoo no 1 likes nn thnks shee is amazing whenn shes not =]
“ewww itss cristen. yyy cnt she just stfu???”
a stupid wh-r-… who is not good at the friendship thing.
man, i thought we had a good friendship going, why’d youhave to go and turn all cristen on me?
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