the dumbest t hing you could possible do to your body. seriously. just don’t f-cking do it. it’s an addiction and it isn’t fun.
and only r-t-rds would do this for attension.
sally: i started cutting last night.
billy: do you want my attension? cuz you’re a r-t-rd.
cutting has been described to me by my therapist as a natural drug in that it released endorphins to the brain immediately following the cutting. however, in the long run, cutting can lead to more severe depression and also can cause permanent physical damage. cutting sometimes is accompanied by head banging, burning, or other self-destructive behaviors.
despite some of the close minded definitions, cutting is not done only by emo kids. although some emo kids do cut, most of the characteristics of cutters are the same as those with eating disorders. cutters tend to be perfectionists, and often are white, middle cl-ss teenage girls, although not all cutters come from this background.
cutting often is a result of depression, and some view it as a way to release emotional pain when it feels like you would explode otherwise. although many people think that those with depression have experienced huge tramas in their lives, this is not necessarily the case. depression is a disease, just like diabetes is a disease. it can strike anyone, regardless of their gender, cl-ss, or social status. i personally am attending an ivyleague college next year, was captain of my soccer team in high school, could be considered among the popular kids at my school, and have an extremely loving family. i still have the scars from my cutting, which i stopped doing 2 months ago. although i was lucky enough to be able to stop, other people such as my older sister, became addicted. cutting is not something to mess around with. however ,it is naive to dismiss cutting as simply a way to get attention. it is also naive to scorn those who seem to have perfect lives as being stupid for cutting. people do not choose to be depressed.
“how can you be so depressed? you’re so beautiful and so good at everything.” – me crying to my to my sister in an ambulance after one of her major cutting episodes
“that doesnt matter tho. being pretty doesn’t change wut mood i’m in,” – my sister
when a person (usually a teen/young adult) has difficulties in life, they may resort to cutting themselves. this is exactly how it sounds, using a sharp object – any sharp object, often – and take it to your wrist/arm and cut yourself. this action becomes addicting after a while, and gives the cutter a “rush” and often makes them feel better.
despite what many self-indulged non-cutters may say and beleive, it is not an act of “jumping on the bandwagon” and “fake troubles”. many times it is because they are abused or suffering from depression(the freaking president’s daughter can get depression! many times it has nothing to do with your lifestyle! gosh!)
i mean tell me something. would you take a knife/razor etc. and slice your arm up just to be cool? this is not a fashion statement! this is not just to look cool! they are dealing with their problems. please, think before you post some stupid remark like many of these are.
cutting is dealing with your emotions, not doing what everyone else does. youre getting it confused with abercrombie & fitch.
melissa, i have to tell you something. my dad..he hits me..and i started cutting. please don’t tell anyone!
because remember, not everything is really what it seems on the outdide. the girl next door watches her dad beat her mom every night. you don’t know what goes on underneath.
a method of self-injury that involves habitually making shallow lacerations in one’s skin with a razor blade, knife, or other sharp object.
cutting and other self-harming behaviors are coping mechanisms in response to stress or anxiety, depression, compulsive feelings, feelings of emptiness, or other distressing emotions. the act of cutting releases endorphins, producing calm relief or even euphoria. while not chemically addictive, self-injury can be extremely difficult to stop simply because it is so effective, despite its attendant risks and overwhelming social stigma.
self-harming behaviors are by definition not suicide attempts, although cutting can result in serious infections or accidental death – or more often, trips to the emergency room for st-tches.
a popular -ssumption is that most cutters are young women, often with a history of psychological trauma, abuse, or loss. the demographics of cutters are actually difficult to determine – in part because, contrary to another common belief, most cutters go to great lengths to conceal their behavior.
female cutters often self-injure in less publicly visible areas, such as their thighs, and/or wear jewelry, makeup, and clothing meant to cover up their wounds. some cutters who have many obvious scars nonetheless are ashamed of their behavior and won’t admit to it if questioned. cat scratches or shaving cuts are common excuses.
a wider definition of self-injury includes, in addition to self-burning, behaviors such as banging one’s head, hitting oneself, and scratching or pinching oneself, which are more common than cutting among young people of both genders.
the demographics of cutting may be changing as the behavior is more widely publicized. people who formerly practiced some of these other less harmful behaviors may be tempted to experiment with cutting. if they continue to do so, it is probably because they find cutting to be satisfying or effective, not because the behavior is or ever has been “trendy.”
as for the -ssociation with emo music and culture, most (but not all) cutters are young people, and many young people listen to emo bands. in addition, people who are distressed are often attracted to music that relates to what they are going through. however, since most cutters conceal their behavior, it may be only a small minority that vocally identifies with emo culture.
the maliciously joking att-tude that many people have toward cutting may be due to the disgust, confusion, and horror that the idea generally provokes. becoming educated about cutting can diminish those feelings and help to create a supportive att-tude toward friends and family members who struggle with self-injury.
in the dark comedy secretary, maggie gyllenhaal plays a character named lee who struggles with cutting but stops during the course of the film.
edward: why do you cut yourself, lee?
lee: i don’t know.
edward: is it that sometimes the pain inside has to come to the surface, and when you see evidence of the pain inside you finally know you’re really here? then, when you watch the wound heal, it’s comforting, isn’t it?
lee: i… that’s a way to put it.
v. the act of inflicting wounds upon oneself often to deal with overwhelming stress/trauma/ect; a form of self-injury/mutilation.
it is often -ssociated with depression and emo music, and has become a bit of a “fad” with people today.
it often becomes an addiction due to the brain -ssociating it with realease from stress, trauma, tension, ect.
jaimie was molested when she was a child and the trauma has caused her to begin cutting.
cutting has been described to me by my therapist as a natural drug in that it released endorphins to the brain immediately following the cutting. however, in the long run, cutting can lead to more severe depression and also can cause permanent physical damage. cutting sometimes is accompanied by head banging, burning, or other self-destructive behaviors.
despite some of the close minded definitions, cutting is not done only by emo kids. although some emo kids do cut, most of the characteristics of cutters are the same as those with eating disorders. cutters tend to be perfectionists, and often are white, middle cl-ss teenage girls, although not all cutters come from this background.
cutting often is a result of depression, and some view it as a way to release emotional pain when it feels like you would explode otherwise. although many people think that those with depression have experienced huge tramas in their lives, this is not necessarily the case. depression is a disease, just like diabetes is a disease. it can strike anyone, regardless of their gender, cl-ss, or social status. i personally am attending an ivyleague college next year, was captain of my soccer team in high school, could be considered among the popular kids at my school, and have an extremely loving family. i still have the scars from my cutting, which i stopped doing 2 months ago. although i was lucky enough to be able to stop, other people such as my older sister, became addicted. cutting is not something to mess around with. however ,it is naive to dismiss cutting as simply a way to get attention. it is also naive to scorn those who seem to have perfect lives as being stupid for cutting. people do not choose to be depressed.
“how can you be so depressed? you’re so beautiful and so good at everything.” – me crying to my to my sister in an ambulance after one of her major cutting episodes
“that doesnt matter tho. being pretty doesn’t change wut mood i’m in,” – my sister
“how can you be so depressed? you’re so beautiful and so good at everything.” – me crying to my to my sister in an ambulance after one of her major cutting episodes
“that doesnt matter tho. being pretty doesn’t change wut mood i’m in,” – my sister
cutting is something that many people argue about, and don’t really know the meaning. cutting has been a part of my life for quite some time now, but it’s not even me who’s doing it. if people would’ve had to live the way i am for about a week, maybe they would understand a bit better. cutting is a sign of depression. depression does not always happen because of a serious event, or having a horrible lifestyle, because it’s a disease. it’s an illness. cutting releases endorphins into the brain right after the cutting is done. it is known today as quite the fad, and is usually -ssumed to be done by “emo” kids. that’s not true. depression can hit any one, any gender, any age, and can also include eating disorders, and other self-harming things. just imagine being in grade 7, and all the sudden that someone close to yous’ sleeve rolls up. what you see will never leave your memory. imagine seeing them in a hospital bed. tubes and everything. being force-fed, and having to live there. cutting is a serious problem, and though people abuse it for attention, don’t label people and riducule them because of depression. if i had cancer would you come make fun of me?
there isn’t really an example that i’m willing to write about cutting, so just take the time and think about it.
it’s when you run out of resources to cope with usually some sort of emotional pain and you begin to cut oneself.
this emotional pain may come on from any form of abuse, trauma, depression, or many of other unknown reasons. the cutting can be done just about anywhere on the body, but is usually on the wrists. cutting is done with some sort of sharp object (i.e. knives, blades, razors, etc.)and is not usually broadcasted.
cutters usually don’t cut in the atempt of suicide, they are usually cutting to get rid of some other sort of pain by the adrenaline endorphins that come when cutting. cutters are usually ashamed of this and will not “show it off.”
cutting can become addicting. this is because it is a quick way out of whatever may be causing the cutter pain. if it is depression, which is a disease, it may become harmful in the long run, but it just can’t be turned off so easy.
friend: “most people that cut their wrist do it because they want attention or want to die.”
me: “that’s not always true, most of the time you wouldn’t even know if someone was cutting their wrists…”
friend:”i’m just saying, they could cut their leg or something if they really just wanted to cut.”
me: ” well listen, i’ve cut before and it was because it helped me deal…not because i wanted attention…no one ever knew because i covered it up pretty well and i didn’t want to die!”
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