purposely decrease the quality of a product to make it seem like you actually made it.
him: why you mad bro?
you: i am way to many -ssignments behind!
him: that sucks bro, want the english essay due last thursday?
you: most def bro – you are the man!
him: no problem! just remember decreaseifying it.
you: you know it!
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an ent-ty who although apparently human is actually a mere sh-ll inhabited by small creatures called “sarcasmatrons” like worms they are parisites that invest his brain and control his vocal cords making small offensive comments known as “tw-ttish remarks” escape. can also cause a right hand spasm known to inhibit up-down wrist movement. milky: emo […]
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- Deep & Meaningful
used to describe a conversation of great emotion (usually, but not exclusively describes a conversation of a sad nature). also commonly known as d&m. i had a deep & meaningful with kathy about her divorce.