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abdominohysterectomy abdominohysterectomy ab·dom·i·no·hys·ter·ec·to·my (āb-dŏm’ə-nō-hĭs’tə-rěk’tə-mē) n. See abdominal hysterectomy.
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excision of abdominal fat and skin for cosmetic purposes. noun (pl) -ies the surgical removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen abdominoplasty ab·dom·i·no·plas·ty (āb-dŏm’ə-nō-plās’tē) n. An operation performed on the abdominal wall for cosmetic purposes.
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abdominoscopy abdominoscopy ab·dom·i·nos·co·py (āb-dŏm’ə-nŏs’kə-pē) n. Internal examination of the abdomen through the use of an endoscope; peritoneoscopy.
- Abdominoscrotal
abdominoscrotal abdominoscrotal ab·dom·i·no·scro·tal (āb-dŏm’ə-nō-skrōt’l) adj. Of or relating to the abdomen and the scrotum.