Contemporary Examples
Once a white prisoner passes his “heart check,” he is accepted by the abt and is a potential recruit.
The Aryan Brotherhood of Texas: ‘Brutal, Deadly, and Effective’ Seth Ferranti April 3, 2013
The abt has a saying on the inside, “If you ever disrespect the AB, we will make sure you leave in a body bag.”
The Aryan Brotherhood of Texas: ‘Brutal, Deadly, and Effective’ Seth Ferranti April 3, 2013
The woods are the white dudes that ride under the abt, which is known as the family.
The Aryan Brotherhood of Texas: ‘Brutal, Deadly, and Effective’ Seth Ferranti April 3, 2013
That screening means that abt members are the cream of the crop of white convicts.
The Aryan Brotherhood of Texas: ‘Brutal, Deadly, and Effective’ Seth Ferranti April 3, 2013
The abt will have the cops put you in dangerous situations to see how you react.
The Aryan Brotherhood of Texas: ‘Brutal, Deadly, and Effective’ Seth Ferranti April 3, 2013
Historical Examples
And I believe the chief mentioned that Mr. abt’s name, but he said, “He has never asked us to call him.”
Warren Commission (7 of 26): Hearings Vol. VII (of 15) The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Anubis was particularly worshipped at Lycopolis, abt, and elsewhere.
Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt Lewis Spence
And he gave me his name, Mr. abt, and he said that is who he wanted, and I told him he could have anyone he liked.
Warren Commission (4 of 26): Hearings Vol. IV (of 15) The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
abt Vogler feels this as he plays on the instrument he made.
The Poetry Of Robert Browning Stopford A. Brooke
Each of us may, as abt Vogler, look without despair on the broken arcs of earth if his faith reveals the perfect round in heaven.
Selections from the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning Robert Browning
about (shortwave transmission)
American Ballet Theatre
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