
academicals, .
Contemporary Examples

Harrovians were also judged to be a bit thick, as the school was not as academically demanding as Eton.
Thank God I Was Kicked Out of Eton, Not Harrow Tom Sykes September 5, 2013

Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, and Sotomayor went to highly competitive, academically rigorous Catholic schools.
In Defense of the Ivy League Peter Beinart May 13, 2010

So there would have been no way for me to study it academically.
Porn Professor Hugo Schwyzer Comes Clean About His Twitter Meltdown and Life as a Fraud Richard Abowitz August 11, 2013

The less I ate, the harder I pushed myself, academically and physically.
Are Britain’s Private Schools Breeding Grounds For Anorexia? Emma Woolf March 2, 2014

He began his education at Franklin & Marshall, but was academically apathetic.
The Bioethicist Turned Butcher Elizabeth Picciuto September 27, 2014

Historical Examples

academically, he intended to be wise in Egyptology; humanely, simply one of the guards.
My Life Josiah Flynt

We learn first to play with it academically, as the magnet was once a toy.
Essays, First Series Ralph Waldo Emerson

And I must confess that I had treated the idea very cavalierly and academically as a dream and nothing more.
The Strength of the Strong Jack London

Most people know it, academically, but very few ever give the fact any actual consideration.
Skylark Three Edward Elmer Smith

academically, it was a distinct article of dress, lined with fur, and formed part of the insignia of the doctor or master.
The Customs of Old England F. J. Snell

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