Accelerated Graphics Port
accelerated graphics port
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variant of or before a vowel. . . Historical Examples Dygen Freiddin, hodie Craig Freiddin, est rupes alta et prærupta in agr. Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Ancient Welsh Bards Evan Evans Hs artibus cum Hannibalem Fabius in agr Falern locrum angustis clausisset, ille sine ll exercits dtrment s expedvit. Selections from Viri […]
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a city in SW Uttar Pradesh, in N India: site of the Taj Mahal. Historical Examples He and his village fled from Agra and came to Chhattīsgarh, where they founded the Agharia caste. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India–Volume I (of IV) R.V. Russell The great wonder and prize of Agra […]
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a small cramp iron. a clasp, often richly ornamented, for clothing or armor. a device, as a hook, for preventing vibration in the section of a piano string between the pin and the bridge. (in classical architecture) a sculptural relief on the face of a keystone. Historical Examples He added that others such as Stroom, […]