
with hand on hip and elbow bent outward:
to stand with arms akimbo.
Historical Examples

She was an uncommonly powerful, red-faced Irishwoman; her arms were bare, and she had them akimbo, and was scratching her elbows.
Ravenshoe Henry Kingsley

She was holding up her skirt with one hand, and the other arm was akimbo at her waist.
The Manxman Hall Caine

akimbo, a-kim′bo, adj. with hand on hip and elbow bent outward.
Chambers’s Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 1 of 4: A-D) Various

Her arms were akimbo and a pipe was thrust between her teeth.
The Black Pearl Mrs. Wilson Woodrow

His arms were akimbo, his feet planted as firmly as if he were a particularly stubborn brand of tree.
Pagan Passions Gordon Randall Garrett

She walked slowly, the long black dress she always wore trailing after her, yet half-looped up over one arm, akimbo on her hip.
Mrs. Severn, Vol. 1 (of 3) Mary Elizabeth Carter

adjective, adverb
arms akimbo, with arms akimbo, with hands on hips and elbows projecting outwards

c.1400, in kenebowe, of unknown origin, perhaps from Middle English phrase in keen bow “at a sharp angle,” or from a Scandinavian word akin to Icelandic kengboginn “bow-bent,” but this seems not to have been used in this exact sense. Many languages use a teapot metaphor for this, such as French faire le pot a deux anses “to play the pot with two handles.”

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