Contemporary Examples
Aronofsky himself told us that he wanted the movie to be an all-encompassing affair.
The Genesis of Noah’s Art Show Alex Suskind March 6, 2014
Don meets Joy on a California business trip in Season 2, and they embark on an extremely brief, sunny, all-encompassing affair.
Every Woman Don Draper’s Hooked Up With on ‘Mad Men’ Amy Zimmerman April 12, 2014
Heroin users describe the high as a feeling of all-encompassing well being.
Hallucinating Away a Heroin Addiction Abby Haglage May 3, 2014
Instead, he prefers to avoid that all-encompassing, data-friendly approach and go from the gut.
David Simon Says ‘The Wire’ Wouldn’t Survive on TV Today Alex Suskind April 24, 2014
Instead, it has created an all-encompassing information bubble.
Mark Levin’s Big Lie Conor Friedersdorf April 28, 2010
Historical Examples
It invigorated him, made him feel part of something huge and all-encompassing, like being in his father the mountain.
Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town Cory Doctorow
The all-encompassing change we are witnessing concerns both.
The Civilization of Illiteracy Mihai Nadin
Inside the all-encompassing, roasting grid of the melting suit, Lonnie writhed.
Zero Data Charles Saphro
How powerless she is against these subtle invitations, these unknown and all-encompassing temptations!
The Golden House Charles Dudley Warner
Now, the law of the Indian Jungle is as old and as true as the sky, and just as widespread and as all-encompassing.
The Face of the Fields Dallas Lore Sharp
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