Anti suicide

the intentional taking of one’s own life.
destruction of one’s own interests or prospects:
Buying that house was financial suicide.
a person who intentionally takes his or her own life.
to commit suicide.
to kill (oneself).
the act or an instance of killing oneself intentionally
the self-inflicted ruin of one’s own prospects or interests: a merger would be financial suicide
a person who kills himself intentionally
(modifier) reckless; extremely dangerous: a suicide mission
(modifier) (of an action) undertaken or (of a person) undertaking an action in the knowledge that it will result in the death of the person performing it in order that maximum damage may be inflicted on an enemy: a suicide attack, suicide bomber

“deliberate killing of oneself,” 1650s, from Modern Latin suicidium “suicide,” from Latin sui “of oneself” (genitive of se “self”), from PIE *s(u)w-o- “one’s own,” from root *s(w)e- (see idiom) + -cidium “a killing” (see -cide). Probably an English coinage; much maligned by Latin purists because it “may as well seem to participate of sus, a sow, as of the pronoun sui” [Phillips]. The meaning “person who kills himself deliberately” is from 1728. In Anglo-Latin, the term for “one who commits suicide” was felo-de-se, literally “one guilty concerning himself.”

November, the suicide season. [Samuel Foote, “The Bankrupt,” 1773]

In England, suicides were legally criminal if sane, but not if judged to have been mentally deranged. The criminal ones were given degrading burial in roadways until 1823. Suicide blonde first attested 1942. Baseball suicide squeeze is attested from 1955.

suicide su·i·cide (sōō’ĭ-sīd’)

The act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself.

One who commits suicide.

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