
absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
Also, apatheia, apathia
[ap-uh-thee-uh] /ˌæp əˈθi ə/ (Show IPA). Stoicism. freedom from emotion of any kind.
Contemporary Examples

The biggest problem may be the apathy that authorities, and even civilians, hold toward sex crimes.
Can a Wristwatch Really Cure India’s Rape Problem? Nina Strochlic February 23, 2013

And one arena in which to stage that confrontation—with madness, apathy, family dysfunction, poverty, etc.—is the theater.
Broadway Was Made for Tupac Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Marcyliena Morgan July 6, 2014

“I started to question whether certain positions I took in the past were genuine or simply dictated by greed or apathy,” he says.
Barely Legal, Sometimes Mature: Should Porn Raise the Minimum Age to 21? Aurora Snow October 25, 2013

Those gains are threatened by apathy among the young people who voted Democratic.
Midterm Scramble for Youth Vote Dayo Olopade October 2, 2010

The system is geared towards rewarding intense participation and punishing self-marginilization and apathy.
Iranian Americans, Take a Lesson Trita Parsi July 23, 2012

Historical Examples

Pitt was vehemently blamed by Irish loyalists for his apathy at the crisis.
William Pitt and the Great War John Holland Rose

Soon Farnese, through his excessive tyranny, stung them out of their apathy.
The Strolling Saint Raphael Sabatini

And with these words she sank down at the table in an apathy of misery.
The Girl of the Golden West David Belasco

For it is not your action that revolts me; it is your apathy, your flabbiness, your cowardice!
The Choice of Life Georgette Leblanc

But why are the old ways, the old evil neglect and apathy, so long, so terribly long in dying?
Robert Elsmere Mrs. Humphry Ward

absence of interest in or enthusiasm for things generally considered interesting or moving
absence of emotion

c.1600, “freedom from suffering,” from French apathie (16c.), from Latin apathia, from Greek apatheia “freedom from suffering, impassability, want of sensation,” from apathes “without feeling, without suffering or having suffered,” from a- “without” (see a- (3)) + pathos “emotion, feeling, suffering” (see pathos). Originally a positive quality; sense of “indolence of mind, indifference to what should excite” is from c.1733.

apathy ap·a·thy (āp’ə-thē)
Lack of interest, concern, or emotion; indifference.

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