
free from the living germs of disease, fermentation, or putrefaction.
a product, as milk or fruit juice, that is marketed in an aseptic package or container.
aseptics, (used with a singular verb) a system of packaging sterilized products in airtight containers so that freshness is preserved for several months.
Historical Examples

If the wound be aseptic, no suppuration or decomposition takes place beneath it.
Surgery, with Special Reference to Podiatry Maximilian Stern

They understood the principles of aseptic surgery very well.
Old-Time Makers of Medicine James J. Walsh

Iodine finds extended use in aseptic surgical operations and antiseptic dressings.
The Fundamentals of Bacteriology Charles Bradfield Morrey

Such an operation is an aseptic one, or performed aseptically.
The Fundamentals of Bacteriology Charles Bradfield Morrey

The diet should be aseptic, easily digested, and should contain the necessary food elements.
Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why Martha M. Allen

After this, in an aseptic wound the dressing need not be changed for days.
Surgery, with Special Reference to Podiatry Maximilian Stern

Nuts are aseptic, free from putrefactive bacteria and do not readily undergo decay either in the body or outside of it.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Various

We shall all forget what aseptic work is by the time we get home.
Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front, 1914-1915 Anonymous

In an emergency such as this, he had no need for the aseptic niceties characteristic of his profession.
When the Cock Crows Waldron Baily

Before the days of aseptic and antiseptic surgery, wounds frequently became infected with luminous bacteria and glowed at night.
The Nature of Animal Light E. Newton Harvey

free from living pathogenic organisms; sterile
aiming to achieve a germ-free condition

1859, from a- (2) “not” + septic. As a noun from 1884.

aseptic a·sep·tic (ə-sěp’tĭk, ā-)
Of, relating to, or characterized by asepsis.
(ə-sěp’tĭk, ā-sěp’tĭk)
Free of microorganisms that cause disease.

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