
a murderer, especially one who kills a politically prominent person for fanatical or monetary reasons.
(initial capital letter) one of an order of Muslim fanatics, active in Persia and Syria from about 1090 to 1272, whose chief object was to Crusaders.
Contemporary Examples

But the third room of the office is at the back, and that is where the assassin apparently persuaded all three women to go.
Murder on the Rue Lafayette Christopher Dickey January 28, 2013

On Oct. 11, 1993, William Nygaard, the publisher of the novel in Norway, was shot three times by an assassin.
11 Revelations From Salman Rushdie’s Memoir, ‘Joseph Anton’ The Daily Beast September 17, 2012

In other words, exactly who the assassin was targeting is still no more clear than it was the day the bodies were found.
Plot Thickens in Grisly French Alps Murders Barbie Latza Nadeau October 28, 2012

There was no assassin but despite the overwhelming presence of troops and FBI agents, violent incidents still occurred.
Honoring The Late John Doar, A Nearly Forgotten Hero Of The Civil Rights Era Gary May November 14, 2014

They believe the assassin then searched the body and moved it closer to the car before escaping.
French Alps Murder Mystery’s Forensic Breakthrough Barbie Latza Nadeau October 19, 2012

Historical Examples

Orsini was the name of the assassin who attempted the life of Napoleon in.
Legends August Strindberg

From the first to the last moment of her reign, she combined the courtesan with the assassin.
Ridgeway Scian Dubh

I want to tell her the truth—that the man is not my master, but his assassin.
The Sign of Silence William Le Queux

An instrument in harmony with the sentiments of an assassin.
The Devil’s Dictionary Ambrose Bierce

This romantic fancy had saved him from the assassin’s knife.
The Green Book Mr Jkai

a murderer, esp one who kills a prominent political figure
a member of a secret sect of Muslim fanatics operating in Persia and Syria from about 1090 to 1256, murdering their victims, usually Crusaders

1530s (in Anglo-Latin from mid-13c.), via French and Italian, from Arabic hashishiyyin “hashish-users,” plural of hashishiyy, from hashish (q.v.). A fanatical Ismaili Muslim sect of the time of the Crusades, under leadership of the “Old Man of the Mountains” (translates Arabic shaik-al-jibal, name applied to Hasan ibu-al-Sabbah), with a reputation for murdering opposing leaders after intoxicating themselves by eating hashish. The plural suffix -in was mistaken in Europe for part of the word (cf. Bedouin).

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