Atlas mountains

a mountain range in NW Africa, extending through Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Highest peak, Mt. Tizi, 14,764 feet (4500 meters).
Historical Examples

In the distance rose a range of high hills, and far beyond the gray peaks of the Atlas Mountains bounded the horizon.
A Trip to the Orient Robert Urie Jacob

Almonds are one of the staple articles of trade in the Atlas Mountains.
Mogreb-el-Acksa R. B. Cunninghame Graham

Dawson had flown northward to circle around to the east and then southward to a point over the middle of the Atlas Mountains.
Dave Dawson at Casablanca Robert Sydney Bowen

I can take you to Meskala, from which you can see the Atlas Mountains.
Captain Brassbound’s Conversion George Bernard Shaw

Make roads in the Atlas Mountains, when I cannot get out of my own house!
Sophisms of the Protectionists Frederic Bastiat

Captain Brassbound: are there any charwomen in the Atlas Mountains?
Captain Brassbound’s Conversion George Bernard Shaw

Where there are no Atlas Mountains, it begins almost at the Mediterranean’s edge.
Wealth of the World’s Waste Places and Oceania
Jewett Castello Gilson

All day we have been in sight of the African coast, the Atlas Mountains making one continuous range.
The Incomparable 29th and the “River Clyde” George Davidson

A huge dragon-fly passed on its journey towards the far blue range of the Atlas Mountains.
Bye-Ways Robert Smythe Hichens

Even the lesser mountain chains were capped with glaciers, including the Atlas Mountains in northern Africa.
Men of the Old Stone Age Henry Fairfield Osborn

plural noun
a mountain system of N Africa, between the Mediterranean and the Sahara. Highest peak: Mount Toubkal, 4165 m (13 664 ft)

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