a person in a savage, primitive state; uncivilized person.
a person without culture, refinement, or education; philistine.
(loosely) a foreigner.
a non-Greek.
a person living outside, especially north of, the Roman Empire.
a person not living in a Christian country or within a Christian civilization.
(among Italians during the Renaissance) a person of non-Italian origin.
uncivilized; crude; savage.
foreign; alien.
Contemporary Examples
I wrote my first book listening to the soundtrack to the movie Conan the barbarian on a loop.
Junot Díaz: How I Write Noah Charney August 20, 2013
Conan the barbarian wants to talk about Baudelaire, Kurosawa, his hopes and dreams.
Conan Gets Emotional Adam Auriemma August 20, 2011
Actor-model Jason Momoa packed on 30 pounds to his runway-ready frame to revive Conan the barbarian.
Invasion of the Bodybuilders Chris Lee June 5, 2011
Lastly, Levy objects to my occasional use, in the past, of the word “barbarian”.
A Response to Daniel Levy Benny Morris April 16, 2012
What can explain Morris’s insistence in continuing to describe whole cultures and societies as “barbarian”?
A Second Response to Benny Morris Daniel Levy April 23, 2012
Historical Examples
The barbarian and Myka went off somewhere with Weatherby—presumably to have breakfast.
The Barbarians John Sentry
The intelligence and facilities of Government are but one step above the barbarian.
The Railroad Question William Larrabee
barbarian powers such as Greeks had never yet had to deal with have arisen in East and West.
The Chief Periods of European History Edward A. Freeman
How could you be such a barbarian as to see the head of a man cut off?
The Book of Anecdotes and Budget of Fun; Various
It is not recorded what came of these negotiations, nor whether the god granted the hand of the princess to her barbarian suitor.
History Of Egypt, Chalda, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 8 (of 12) G. Maspero
a member of a primitive or uncivilized people
a coarse, insensitive, or uncultured person
a vicious person
of an uncivilized culture
insensitive, uncultured, or brutal
mid-14c., from Medieval Latin barbarinus (source of Old French barbarin “Berber, pagan, Saracen, barbarian”), from Latin barbaria “foreign country,” from Greek barbaros “foreign, strange, ignorant,” from PIE root *barbar- echoic of unintelligible speech of foreigners (cf. Sanskrit barbara- “stammering,” also “non-Aryan,” Latin balbus “stammering,” Czech blblati “to stammer”).
Greek barbaroi (n.) meant “all that are not Greek,” but especially the Medes and Persians. Originally not entirely pejorative, its sense darkened after the Persian wars. The Romans (technically themselves barbaroi) took up the word and applied it to tribes or nations which had no Greek or Roman accomplishments. The noun is from late 14c., “person speaking a language different from one’s own,” also (c.1400) “native of the Barbary coast;” meaning “rude, wild person” is from 1610s.
a Greek word used in the New Testament (Rom. 1:14) to denote one of another nation. In Col. 3:11, the word more definitely designates those nations of the Roman empire that did not speak Greek. In 1 Cor. 14:11, it simply refers to one speaking a different language. The inhabitants of Malta are so called (Acts 28:1,2, 4). They were originally a Carthaginian colony. This word nowhere in Scripture bears the meaning it does in modern times.
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to make barbarian.
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a person in a savage, primitive state; uncivilized person. a person without culture, refinement, or education; philistine. (loosely) a foreigner. a non-Greek. a person living outside, especially north of, the Roman Empire. a person not living in a Christian country or within a Christian civilization. (among Italians during the Renaissance) a person of non-Italian origin. […]
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