barbed wire.
Historical Examples
Anybody would have thought a barbwire worm had crawled onto Joe Kivelson’s chair seat under him.
Four-Day Planet Henry Beam Piper
“I see you’ve been getting busy with the barbwire,” he remarked, when he rose from the table and led the way out to the porch.
The Long Shadow B. M. Bower
I’d like to ship the whole of this township across to America, put up a barbwire fence around, and charge a dollar for admission.
A Drake by George! John Trevena
Immediately adjacent to us was the guard house, a prison camp, pitched in the open field, and surrounded by barbwire fencing.
The Greater Love George T. McCarthy
Then they came to a barbwire affair like a turnstile lying on its side in the middle of the road, and stopped.
The Stars & Stripes, Vol 1, No 1, February 8, 1918 American Expeditionary Forces
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