Christiaan N(eethling) [kris-tyahn nit-ling] /ˈkrɪs tyɑn ˈnɪt lɪŋ/ (Show IPA), 1922–2001, South African surgeon: performed first successful human-heart transplant 1967.
Edward Emerson, 1857–1923, U.S. astronomer.
Frederick Augustus Porter, 1809–89, U.S. educator and advocate of higher education for women: president of Columbia University 1864–89.
George Gray, 1863–1938, U.S. sculptor.
Henry, 1811–1900, U.S. educator.
a male given name.
Contemporary Examples
Debora Spar, the new president of Barnard, has been hired to bring a new dynamism to New York’s premier women’s university.
Big Woman on Campus Kate Taylor October 21, 2008
President Obama recently exhorted young Barnard graduates to “fight for a seat at the head of the table.”
Sex, Sports, and Title IX on Campus: The Triumphs and Travails Debra DeMeis, Rosanna Hertz June 21, 2012
By no means does this discrepancy indicate that Barnard is necessarily safer for women.
No Rapes On Campus? No Way. Emily Shire July 4, 2014
My mind is as fertile as when I graduated from Barnard College.
Martha Stewart in the Dock Over Macy’s Lawsuit: ‘I Did My Time!’ Lloyd Grove March 5, 2013
She is, as one member of the search committee noted, exactly the kind of woman that most Barnard students will aspire to be.
Big Woman on Campus Kate Taylor October 21, 2008
Historical Examples
The only further allusion to it occurs in Lady Barnard’s will.
Shakespeare’s Family Mrs. C. C. Stopes
Milly tells me you’ve never been in the city before; that you are studying at Barnard.
The Bacillus of Beauty Harriet Stark
Clodagh, to her own annoyance, coloured; and Barnard smiled in his observant, quizzical fashion.
The Gambler Katherine Cecil Thurston
“You are not disposed to give me the chance, I think,” said Barnard, peevishly.
A Rent In A Cloud Charles James Lever
Since attack is ever the best defence, General Barnard ordered his men to move out and drive back the enemy.
Barclay of the Guides Herbert Strang
Christiaan (Neethling). 1923–2001, South African surgeon, who performed the first human heart transplant (1967)
Edward Emerson. 1857–1923, US astronomer: noted for his discovery of the fifth satellite of Jupiter and his discovery of comets, nebulae, and a red dwarf (1916)
Barnard Bar·nard (bär’nərd, bär-närd’), Christiaan Neethling. Born 1923.
South African surgeon who performed the first human heart transplant (1967).
South African surgeon who performed the first successful human heart transplant in 1967.
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