a standard of excellence, achievement, etc., against which similar things must be measured or judged:
The new hotel is a benchmark in opulence and comfort.
any standard or reference by which others can be measured or judged:
The current price for crude oil may become the benchmark.
Computers. an established point of reference against which computers or programs can be measured in tests comparing their performance, reliability, etc.
Surveying. Usually, bench mark. a marked point of known or assumed elevation from which other elevations may be established.
Abbreviation: BM.
of, relating to, or resulting in a benchmark:
benchmark test, benchmark study.
to test (something) in order to develop a standard:
IT benchmarked the new software.
to measure (something) against a standard:
executive salaries benchmarked against the industry.
a mark on a stone post or other permanent feature, at a point whose exact elevation and position is known: used as a reference point in surveying BM
a criterion by which to measure something; standard; reference point
(as modifier): a benchmark test
to measure or test against a benchmark: the firm benchmarked its pay against that in industry
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