a tablelike support for a target rifle used in target practice.
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- Bench screw
a wooden or metal screw rotated by a handle fixed to one end within a threaded block fixed to a workbench: used with various jaws to form a vise. Historical Examples Hand-Craft John D. Sutcliffe
- Bench show
a dog show in which the animals of each breed are judged and awarded prizes on the basis of standards established for that breed. Historical Examples Hunting in Many Lands Various Buff: A Collie and other dog-stories Albert Payson Terhune Step Lively! George Niblo The Four Corners Amy Ella Blanchard The Dogs of Boytown Walter […]
- Bench stop
a metal device set flush with the top of a workbench and having a portion able to be raised to stop longitudinal movement of an object placed against it. Historical Examples Carpentry and Woodwork Edwin W. Foster
- Bench strength
Sports. the quality and number of players available to substitute during a game. Business. the competence and number of employees ready to fill vacant leadership and other positions: building an organization’s bench strength through management training.
- Bench table
a course of masonry forming a bench at the foot of a wall. Historical Examples Somerset G.W. Wade and J.H. Wade