
Simon Bolivar
[bol-uh-ver] /ˈbɒl ə vər/ (Show IPA), 1823–1914, U.S. Confederate general and politician.
his son, Simon Bolivar, Jr. 1886–1945, U.S. general.
Contemporary Examples

Baseball’s Greatest Comebacks Kevin Baker October 16, 2008
‘The Cabin in the Woods’ Spoilers: Drew Goddard Speaks Freely Maria Elena Fernandez April 15, 2012

Historical Examples

History of Morgan’s Cavalry Basil W. Duke
Up the River Oliver Optic
A Chain of Evidence Carolyn Wells
Up the River Oliver Optic
A Chain of Evidence Carolyn Wells
Up the River Oliver Optic
Sword and Pen John Algernon Owens
Up the River Oliver Optic

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