
(an exclamation used to express surprise or to emphasize a comment):
A fine day, by cracky!

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  • By-definition

    According to prior determination, as a given. For example, This antibiotic is by definition the most effective now on the market. [ 1970s ]

  • Degree

    any of a series of steps or stages, as in a process or course of action; a point in any scale. a stage or point in or as if in progression or retrogression: We followed the degrees of her recovery with joy. a stage in a scale of intensity or amount: a high degree of […]

  • By-design

    On purpose, deliberately, as in Whether by luck or by design, his application was accepted. This term, originally put as on design, uses design in the sense of “plan.” [ First half of 1600s ]

  • By-dint-of

    By means of, as in By dint of hard work he got his degree in three years. The word dint, which survives only in this expression, originally meant “a stroke or blow,” and by the late 1500s signified the force behind such a blow. The current term preserves the implication of vigorous or persistent means.

  • Stage

    a single step or degree in a process; a particular phase, period, position, etc., in a process, development, or series. a raised platform or floor, as for speakers, performers, etc. Theater. the platform on which the actors perform in a theater. this platform with all the parts of the theater and all the apparatus back […]

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