
[kahy-tin] /ˈkaɪ tɪn/

noun, Biochemistry.
a nitrogen-containing polysaccharide, related chemically to cellulose, that forms a semitransparent horny substance and is a principal constituent of the exoskeleton, or outer covering, of insects, crustaceans, and arachnids.
a polysaccharide that is the principal component of the exoskeletons of arthropods and of the bodies of fungi

1836, from French chitine, from Greek khiton “frock, tunic,” of soldiers, “coat of mail,” used metaphorically for “any coat or covering.” “Probably an Oriental word” [Liddell & Scott]. Klein compares Hebrew kuttoneth, Aramaic kittana, Arabic kattan “linen.”

chitin chi·tin (kīt’n)
A tough, protective, semitransparent polysaccharide forming the principal component of arthropod exoskeletons and the cell walls of certain fungi.
chi’tin·ous adj.
A tough, semitransparent substance that is the main component of the exoskeletons of arthropods, such as the shells of crustaceans and the outer coverings of insects. Chitin is also found in the cell walls of certain fungi and algae. Chemically, it is a nitrogenous polysaccharide (a carbohydrate).

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