
character; unfounded positiveness in matters of opinion; arrogant assertion of opinions as truths.
Historical Examples

On the ruin of all philosophies and religions Montaigne, like Nietzsche, has built up a dogmatism of his own.
German Problems and Personalities Charles Sarolea

He learnt more from such books than he learnt from dogmatism and interested orthodoxy.
Albert Durer T. Sturge Moore

The more dogmatic class, inspired by the dogmatism of the colleges, array themselves in scorn to repel new thought.
Buchanan’s Journal of Man, February 1887 Various

If I had it now I should know that you are heartily weary of all my generalisations and dogmatism.
The Stark Munro Letters J. Stark Munro

He dreaded the dogmatism of sects and rash definitions of God.
Old Familiar Faces Theodore Watts-Dunton

The religion of Isis did not gain a hold on the soul by its dogmatism.
The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism Franz Cumont

But we must not imagine that all the dogmatism is on one side, and that the theological.
Evolution Joseph Le Conte

The complexities of the subject are too great to permit of dogmatism.
The Settlement of Wage Disputes Herbert Feis

While dogmatism however is dangerous indefiniteness is unsatisfying.
Lives of SS. Declan and Mochuda Anonymous

Generally speaking, he demurs to the dogmatism of the conclusion.
Natural Law in the Spiritual World Henry Drummond


c.1600, but not in common use until 19c., from French dogmatisme (16c.), from Medieval Latin dogmatismus, from Latin dogma (see dogma).

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