Edinburgh Multi Access System
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[verb ih-mas-kyuh-leyt; adjective ih-mas-kyuh-lit, -leyt] /verb ɪˈmæs kyəˌleɪt; adjective ɪˈmæs kyə lɪt, -ˌleɪt/ verb (used with object), emasculated, emasculating. 1. to castrate. 2. to deprive of strength or vigor; weaken. Synonyms: debilitate, undermine, devitalize, soften. adjective 3. deprived of or lacking strength or vigor; effeminate. verb (transitive) (ɪˈmæskjʊˌleɪt) 1. to remove the testicles of; castrate; […]
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[verb ih-mas-kyuh-leyt; adjective ih-mas-kyuh-lit, -leyt] /verb ɪˈmæs kyəˌleɪt; adjective ɪˈmæs kyə lɪt, -ˌleɪt/ verb (used with object), emasculated, emasculating. 1. to castrate. 2. to deprive of strength or vigor; weaken. Synonyms: debilitate, undermine, devitalize, soften. adjective 3. deprived of or lacking strength or vigor; effeminate. verb (transitive) (ɪˈmæskjʊˌleɪt) 1. to remove the testicles of; castrate; […]
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1. endometrial biopsy 2. eosin-methylene blue
1. Executive .
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[em-bah-kuh l, -bak-uh l] /ɛmˈbɑ kəl, -ˈbæk əl/ noun 1. an accumulation of broken ice in a river. Compare (def 2).