
[en-ti-tee] /ˈɛn tɪ ti/

noun, plural entities.
something that has a real existence; thing:
corporeal entities.
being or existence, especially when considered as distinct, independent, or self-contained:
He conceived of society as composed of particular entities requiring special treatment.
essential nature:
The entity of justice is universality.
noun (pl) -ties
something having real or distinct existence; a thing, esp when considered as independent of other things
existence or being
the essence or real nature

1590s, from Late Latin entitatem (nominative entitas), from ens (genitive entis) “a thing,” proposed by Caesar as present participle of esse “be” (see is), to render Greek philosophical term to on “that which is” (from neuter of present participle of einai “to be;” see essence). Originally abstract; concrete sense in English is from 1620s.
In an entity-relationship model, an entity is a type of thing being modeled such as “person” or “product”. Different entities have different sets of attributes such as “name” or “price” and are connected via relationships like “bought”. Entities are closely related to classes (class).

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