[ep-uh-miz-ee-uh m, -mizh-] /ˌɛp əˈmɪz i əm, -ˈmɪʒ-/
noun, plural epimysia
[ep-uh-miz-ee-uh, -mizh-] /ˌɛp əˈmɪz i ə, -ˈmɪʒ-/ (Show IPA). Anatomy.
the sheath of connective tissue around a muscle.
noun (pl) -sia (-zɪə)
(anatomy) the sheath of connective tissue that encloses a skeletal muscle
epimysium ep·i·mys·i·um (ěp’ə-mĭz’ē-əm, -mĭzh’ē-)
n. pl. ep·i·mys·i·a (-mĭz’ē-ə, -mĭzh’-)
The external sheath of connective tissue surrounding a muscle.
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