[yoo r-oh-mahr-kit, yur-, yoo r-uh-mahr-, yur-] /ˌyʊər oʊˈmɑr kɪt, ˌyɜr-, ˈyʊər əˌmɑr-, ˈyɜr-/
Also, Euromart
[yoo r-uh-mahrt, yur‐] /ˈyʊər əˌmɑrt, ˈyɜr‐/ (Show IPA). (def 1).
Finance. the in Eurocurrency or Eurobonds.
a market for financing international trade backed by the central banks and commercial banks of the European Union
the European Union treated as one large market for the sale of goods and services
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- Euromart
[yoo r-oh-mahr-kit, yur-, yoo r-uh-mahr-, yur-] /ˌyʊər oʊˈmɑr kɪt, ˌyɜr-, ˈyʊər əˌmɑr-, ˈyɜr-/ noun 1. Also, Euromart [yoo r-uh-mahrt, yur‐] /ˈyʊər əˌmɑrt, ˈyɜr‐/ (Show IPA). (def 1). 2. Finance. the in Eurocurrency or Eurobonds. /ˈjʊərəʊˌmɑːkɪt/ noun 1. a market for financing international trade backed by the central banks and commercial banks of the European Union […]
- Euro mp
noun 1. (informal) a member of the European Parliament
- Euronet
company An IAP from Amsterdam, The Netherlands operating since 1994-08-01 and owned by France Telecom since 1998-11-06. ( E-mail: . Telephone: +31 (020) 535 5555. Fax: +31 (020) 535 5400. Address: Herengracht 208-214, 1016 BS Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (1999-01-17)
- Euronext
/ˈjʊərəʊˌnɛkst/ noun 1. a European stock exchange formed by the amalgamation of the Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam bourses
- Euronote
/ˈjuːrəʊˌnəʊt/ noun 1. a form of euro-commercial paper consisting of short-term negotiable bearer notes