Fixation point
fixation point n.
See point of fixation.
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[fik-suh-tiv] /ˈfɪk sə tɪv/ adjective 1. serving to ; making or permanent. noun, Also, fixatif [fik-suh-tiv, -teef] /ˈfɪk sə tɪv, -ˌtif/ (Show IPA) 2. a fixative substance, as a gummy liquid sprayed on a drawing to prevent blurring, or a solution for killing, hardening, and preserving material for microscopic study. 3. Also called fixer. Photography. […]
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[fikst] /fɪkst/ adjective 1. fastened, attached, or placed so as to be firm and not readily movable; firmly implanted; stationary; rigid. 2. rendered stable or permanent, as color. 3. set or intent upon something; steadily directed: a fixed stare. 4. definitely and permanently placed: a fixed buoy; a fixed line of defense. 5. not fluctuating […]
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noun, Ethology. 1. a highly stereotyped pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a particular species.