
[flok-yuh-leyt] /ˈflɒk yəˌleɪt/

verb (used with object), flocculated, flocculating.
to form into masses.
verb (used without object), flocculated, flocculating.
to form masses, as a cloud or a chemical precipitate; form aggregated or compound masses of particles.
to form or be formed into an aggregated flocculent mass

1885, from flocculate + -ion.

1877, from flocculus (1799, from Modern Latin diminutive of Latin floccus “flock of wool”) + -ate. Related: Flocculated; flocculating.

flocculation floc·cu·la·tion (flŏk’yə-lā’shən) or floc·cu·lence (flŏk’yə-ləns)

floc’cu·late’ v.
The process by which individual particles of clay aggregate into clotlike masses or precipitate into small lumps. Flocculation occurs as a result of a chemical reaction between the clay particles and another substance, usually salt water.

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