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A folk singer or folk-music devotee: The precious youth audience was lost to the folkies and the rockers (1960s+)
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- Fog
[fog, fawg] /fɒg, fɔg/ noun 1. a cloudlike mass or layer of minute water droplets or ice crystals near the surface of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility. Compare , , . 2. any darkened state of the atmosphere, or the diffused substance that causes it. 3. a state of mental confusion or unawareness; daze; stupor: […]
- Fogarty catheter
Fogarty catheter Fo·gar·ty catheter (fō’gər-tē) n. A catheter with an inflatable balloon near its tip; it is used to remove emboli and thrombi from the cardiovascular system, and to remove stones from the biliary ducts.
- Fog-bank
noun 1. a stratum of fog as seen from a distance. noun 1. a distinct mass of fog, esp at sea
- Fogbound
[fog-bound, fawg-] /ˈfɒgˌbaʊnd, ˈfɔg-/ adjective, Nautical. 1. unable to sail or navigate because of heavy . /ˈfɒɡˌbaʊnd/ adjective 1. prevented from operation by fog: the airport was fogbound 2. obscured by or enveloped in fog: the skyscraper was fogbound
- Fogbow
[fog-boh, fawg-] /ˈfɒgˌboʊ, ˈfɔg-/ noun 1. a bow, arc, or circle of white or yellowish hue seen in or against a ; a formed by droplets. /ˈfɒɡˌbəʊ/ noun 1. a faint arc of light sometimes seen in a fog bank Also called seadog, white rainbow fogbow (fôg’bō’) A faint white or yellowish arc-shaped light that […]