[fog-bound, fawg-] /ˈfɒgˌbaʊnd, ˈfɔg-/
adjective, Nautical.
unable to sail or navigate because of heavy .
prevented from operation by fog: the airport was fogbound
obscured by or enveloped in fog: the skyscraper was fogbound
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[foh-gee] /ˈfoʊ gi/ noun, plural fogeys. 1. . [foh-gee] /ˈfoʊ gi/ noun, plural fogies. 1. an excessively conservative or old-fashioned person, especially one who is intellectually dull (usually preceded by old): The board of directors were old fogies still living in the 19th century. /ˈfəʊɡɪ/ noun (pl) -geys, -gies 1. an extremely fussy, old-fashioned, or […]