Geological timescale
any division of geological time into chronological units, whether relative (with units in the correct temporal sequence) or absolute (with numerical ages attached)
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- Geologic-time
noun 1. the succession of eras, periods, and epochs as considered in historical geology. geologic time (jē’ə-lŏj’ĭk) The period of time covering the formation and development of the Earth, from about 4.6 billion years ago to today.
- Geologist
[jee-ol-uh-jist] /dʒiˈɒl ə dʒɪst/ noun 1. a person who specializes in geologic research and study. n. 1795, from geology + -ist.
- Geologize
[jee-ol-uh-jahyz] /dʒiˈɒl əˌdʒaɪz/ verb (used without object), geologized, geologizing. 1. to study . verb (used with object), geologized, geologizing. 2. to examine . /dʒɪˈɒləˌdʒaɪz/ verb 1. to study the geological features of (an area)
- Geology
[jee-ol-uh-jee] /dʒiˈɒl ə dʒi/ noun, plural geologies. 1. the science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing. 2. the study of this science. 3. the features and processes occurring […]
- Geom.
1. geometric; geometrical. 2. . abbreviation 1. geometric(al) 2. geometry 1. geometric 2. geometry