[ahl-ber-taw] /ɑlˈbɛr tɔ/ (Show IPA), 1916–83, Argentine composer.
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- Ginsberg
Allen, 1926–97, U.S. poet associated with the Beat Generation. Contemporary Examples The dean was too embarrassed to repeat out loud what Ginsberg had written on his window. The Mystery of the Allen Ginsberg-Diana Trilling Feud Gregory Curtis June 11, 2013 The archive is filled with correspondences from Ginsberg and other lovers, but one letter stands […]
- Glazunov
Alexander Konstantinovitch [al-ig-zan-der,, -zahn-,, kon-stuh n-tee-nuh-vich;; Russian uh-lyi-ksahndr kuh n-stuhn-tyee-nuh-vyich] /ˌæl ɪgˈzæn dər,, -ˈzɑn-,, ˌkɒn stənˈti nə vɪtʃ;; Russian ʌ lyɪˈksɑndr kən stʌnˈtyi nə vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), 1865–1936, Russian composer. noun Aleksandr Konstantinovich (alɪkˈsandr kənstanˈtinəvitʃ). 1865–1936, Russian composer, in France from 1928. A pupil of Rimsky-Korsakov, he wrote eight symphonies and concertos for piano and […]
- Gluck
Alma (Reba Fiersohn; Mme. Efrem Zimbalist) 1884–1938, U.S. operatic soprano, born in Romania. Christoph Willibald von [kris-tawf vil-i-bahlt fuh n] /ˈkrɪs tɔf ˈvɪl ɪˌbɑlt fən/ (Show IPA), 1714–87, German operatic composer. Louise, born 1943, U.S. poet. Contemporary Examples Composers from Monteverdi to Gluck, to Stravinsky, to Philip Glass, have told it in music. Ann Wroe’s […]
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- Gottlieb
Adolph, 1903–74, U.S. painter. Contemporary Examples I read the works of Gottlieb Frege despite his anti-Semitism. Should You Boycott Me? Samuel Lebens November 26, 2012 Donadio and Gottlieb agreed that Toole was “wildly funny, often funnier than almost anyone else around, and our kind of funny.” The Professor and the Doomsday Clock: ‘A Confederacy of […]