Give someone the evil eye
see under evil eye
Read Also:
- Give someone the fluff
verb phrase To snub; dismiss; brush off: I gave him the fluff (1940s+)
- Give someone the fish-eye
verb phrase To look or stare at someone in a cold, contemptuous, or menacing way: A well-fed man in tails opened the door, gave them the fish eye/ who gave me such hairy eyeballs that I want to slink back ( fish-eye form 1940s+, others 1960s+)
- Give someone the foot
verb phrase To dismiss or eject someone (1940s+)
- Give someone the glad eye
verb phrase To look or glance at invitingly; gaze enticingly at: A tipsy actress gives her man, Donald, the glad eye (1903+)
- Give someone the glad hand
verb phrase To greet and welcome effusively: I gave ’em all the glad hand, but they voted for the other bum anyway (1895+)